Business User
Overview2Lessons ·
MRP Overview | Odoo MRP10 xp
MRP Basics & Your First Manufacturing Order | Odoo MRP10 xp
Basic Process4Lessons ·
Create Your BoMs & Routings | Odoo MRP10 xp
Working With Several Work Centers | Odoo MRP10 xp
From Sales Order to Manufacturing Order | Odoo MRP10 xp
Subcontracting | Odoo MRP10 xp
Advance Process5Lessons ·
Use the Master Production Schedule | Odoo MRP10 xp
Overall Equipment Effectiveness | Odoo MRP10 xp
Product Lifecycle Management | Odoo MRP10 xp
Managing Quality Checks | Odoo MRP10 xp
Managing Equipment Maintenance | Odoo MRP10 xp
To Go Further1Lessons ·
Selling Sets of Products as Kits | Odoo MRP10 xp