Odoo's Mission
Our mission is to provide a range of easy to use business applications that form a complete suite of tools to accompany any business need. We give millions of companies easy access to the software they need to run and expand their business.
Here at Odoo, we have developed 30 main applications which are regularly upgraded. In addition, our community of more than 1500 active members, have contributed another to 16000+ apps to cover a wide variety of business needs.
With the "On-premise" offer, Odoo is the most installed business software in the world. It is used by over 5.000.000 users worldwide ranging from startup companies (1 user) to large enterprises (300,000+ users).
The Odoo Official Partner label is dedicated to companies that offer quality services on Odoo. From a customer point of view, working with an Official Partner guarantees that the partner:
- Is fully trained on Odoo
- Has access to Odoo Enterprise source code
- Has a direct relationship with Odoo to escalate issues
- Has dedicated resources assigned to Odoo projects
- Follows a transparent ranking system: Ready • Silver • Gold
- Gets access to weekly updated training and education
“Nio is the most experienced partner that we have in Trinidad & Tobago. Their focus and understanding of our clients’ problems and their track record of delivering high quality service is outstanding.”
Alejandra Vela,
Senior Account Manager for Latin America at Odoo Inc.
AMCHAM T&T Mission
AMCHAM T&T will add value to our member companies within the following key focus areas:
Enhancement of Competitiveness
Generation of New Business and Market Access for Services/Goods
Influence on Policies and Legislation
Transfer of Knowledge
Contribution to Sustainable Development
In this context, AMCHAM Trinidad & Tobago will serve the needs and represent the interests of its members.
Our strong mix of formidable local and international member companies; strong networking links; close association with the U.S. Embassy; alliances with the Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America and the Caribbean (AACCLA) and the Chambers of Commerce of the United States of America (COCUSA); all ensure rapid access to what you need to compete effectively both locally and in overseas markets. We can therefore secure for members strategic information on doing business in a particular country; as well as set up introductions to the right business organisations or companies in the U.S. and throughout the Western Hemisphere.
To be the voice of manufacturers in Trinidad and Tobago, creating value and providing world class service to our membership.
Increasing the value and growth of the Manufacturing sector in Trinidad and Tobago.
Vision Statement
“We are the voice of Business”.
Mission Statement
To be the champion of business towards the development of a strong and sustainable national economy.
The European Business Chamber in Trinidad and Tobago (EUROCHAMTT), is a non-profit membership driven organisation promoting European business interests and market access in Trinidad and Tobago. EUROCHAMTT also supports Trinidad and Tobago businesses and professionals seeking to gain access to European partners and opportunities for doing more business with Europe.
EUROCHAMTT has been endorsed by the European diplomatic missions and the Delegation of the European Union and recognised by the Government of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago.
In 2014, EUROCHAMTT became a member of the European Business Organisation (EBO) Worldwide Network – the voice of European business abroad. The EBO stands as the sole organisation representing European business interests in markets outside the European Union. It represents a network active in over 35 key markets that serves European multinationals, as well as micro, small, medium and large enterprises.
Our purpose is to:
Be a voice for European business in Trinidad and Tobago;
Advocate for improvements in the ease of doing business;
Facilitate members with market access to the local market;
Facilitate companies to do more business in Europe;
Promote world class clean technology, design, and environmental standards of European businesses.