Brand Assets


Download logo for light or white Background


Download logo for dark or black background



  • Don't recreate the logo.
  • Above are the primary logos and should be used on the backgrounds as shown
  • Logos should only be used in the colors provided
  • Always include sufficient clear space around the logo
  • Abide by minimum size requirements min-height: 20px


Main Colors

Nio Purple | #58379B

RGB: 88, 55, 155
CMYK: 80, 92, 0, 0 

Nio Purple Light | #7247CA

RGB: 114, 71, 202
CMYK: 69, 79, 0, 0  

Black | #000000

RGB: 0, 0, 0
CMYK: 75, 68, 67, 90  

White | #FFFFFF

RGB: 255, 255, 255
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0  

Secondary Colors

Blue | #4E92F9

RGB: 78, 146, 249
CMYK: 66, 42, 0, 0

Blue Dark | #256CDA

RGB: 196, 109, 227
CMYK: 82, 61, 0, 0

Complimentary Colors

Pink | #C46DE3

RGB: 113, 75, 103
CMYK: 36, 65, 0, 0

Pink Dark | #A151BD

RGB: 113, 75, 103
CMYK: 47, 79, 0, 0

Background Colors

Nio Purple | #58379B

RGB: 88, 55, 155
CMYK: 80, 92, 0, 0

White | #FFFFFF

RGB: 255, 255, 255
CMYK: 56, 71, 35, 24

Gradient | 
From #7247CA
to #58379B

Typography Colors

Headings: #21272B
RGB: 33, 39, 43
CMYK: 65, 66, 68, 82

Body: #282F33
RGB: 40, 47, 51
CMYK: 81, 67, 55, 83

Muted: #6B6D70
RGB: 107, 109, 112
CMYK: 57, 46, 40, 25


Primary fonts

Headings and titles

Paragraphs and texts. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation.

Secondary fonts

For Documents and Proposals



Paragraphs and texts

Poppins or Montserrat
weights 500-700, line-height: 1.2

weight 400, line-height: 1.45

Calibri , 16 pt bold

Calibri , 14 pt bold

Calibri, 12 pt Regular

Writing "Nio"


Capitalize the word "Nio", except if it's part of an url

Always type "Nio" in the same font size and style as the content of the text


Capitalize all letters (eg. NIO)

Pluralize the trademark (eg. Nios)

Use the logo instead of the word